13th Ovar Photography Journeys | AMBID2017 – 13EFCO
“Ambiente Imagens Dispersas 2017” Photography Competition
Photographic Competition “Ambiente Imagens Dispersas 2017”
Competition Organizers: Associação Amigos do Cáster”
Deadline: Thursday, 02nd November 2017
More info: Rules – Prize – Event Matrix
Transfer your pictures to the Photographic Competition by wetransfer (https://wetransfer.com/), to info@amigosdocaster.org, and send the following data: Name; Pseudonym; Adress; Postal Code; Place; Country; Mobile Phone; Email.
Picture Title 1
Picture Category (“Fauna”; “Flora and Hungus”; “Wildscapes and Habitats”)
Picture Title 2
Picture Category 2 (“Fauna”; “Flora and Hungus”; “Wildscapes and Habitats”)
Picture Title 3
Picture Category 3 (“Fauna”; “Flora and Hungus”; “Wildscapes and Habitats”)
Picture Title 4
Picture Category 4 (“Fauna”; “Flora and Hungus”; “Wildscapes and Habitats”)
Picture Title 5
Picture Category 5 (“Fauna”; “Flora and Hungus”; “Wildscapes and Habitats”)
Entries will only be accepted upon submission of proof of PAYPAL invoice. This document must be sent in the ZIP File that contains the photographs.
Price per entrant: 5.00 EUR. Invoice must be made to Associação Juvenil Amigos do Cáster or PAYPAL – paypal@ambid.amigosdocaster.org