AMBID2013 – 9th OPJ – (ENG)

9th Ovar Photography Journeys

This event is characterized by the presentation of works by renowned photographers with the theme “Nature and Wildlife” and “Environmental Photojournalism indole”, as well as researchers and enthusiasts of nature conservation through its cycle of conferences, photo exhibitions, a photo contest and photography workshop.

9th November 2013 to 7th January 2014

Photography CompetitionWebformRulesList of PrizesAwards
9th October, competition closes 1st November
The results of the competition will be made known, 9th November

Photography Exhibitions – Life Fragments by D. Guimarães and J. Petronilho – Photography Competition Exhbition
Centro de Arte de Ovar (Ovar Art Center)
9th November 2013 to 7th January 2014

Series of Conferencies – Speakers
Jasper Doest, Nuno Cabrita, Victor Amador, Joaquim Sande Silva, Norberto Monteiro, João Petronilho, Jacinto Policarpo, Ricardo Lourenço, Filipe Martinho, António Castelo, Rui Bernardo, David Guimarães
Ovar Art Centre (Centro de Arte de Ovar), 13H50 Saturday, 9th November

Workshop – Nature Photography by David Guimarães
Saturday and Sunday, 14th and 15th December